40 Days of Prayer

It is a good goal to increase our level of prayer. Here is one way to start the new year with that in mind. Join and let us know if you are doing this so we can share together what God does in it.

Join the Alliance family as we bring our hearts and hands together for a 40 Days of Prayer focus that will begin January 3, 2021. Each day will offer a thematic devotional reflection and prayer points authored by an Alliance leader or family member.

Here's What to Expect:

The devotionals within this study will be arranged in six weekly categories with application for adults, youth, and kids.

Week 1: The Holiness of God
Week 2: Repentance: Turning from Our Unholiness
Week 3: Spirit Empowerment/Fullness
Week 4: Evangelism (Local and Regional)
Week 5: Marginalized People
Week 6: Alliance Missions

To sign up go here https://bit.ly/3oPYjFZ