Investing in What Matters: A Youth Ministry Update

We have had the great joy over the years to be involved in the lives of people in our community. Awana has given us opportunity to encourage and equip families by helping to plant the Word of God in hearts. This work continues every year and is making a difference. Out of that we have watched our youth ministry grow as well. Youth need a place where they can share life with others and wrestle with the challenges they face while connecting their faith to all of it. It is not easy work, but it is life changing and rewarding. Our youth group has grown from a handful several years ago and a small room, to closer to 20 and a larger room this past year. We want to invest in what matters!

This summer a group of youth and adults went to Orlando for the triennial Life conference. The work that God did and continues to do in lives is powerful and far-reaching. In fact, right below here is a video from our Alliance President, John Stumbo, that gives some highlights from that. Take a look and please pray for our youth!

Another youth ministry development you will notice is that update to the youth room. We are making that space more youth friendly and inviting for them. This is underway right now and will be completed by the beginning of the new year.

Something else I am exited about is that after years of praying for people to lead the youth well, we have a couple who are called by God to work with the youth. God is moving us forward. I look forward to formally sharing this in the future with the church. This is an answer to prayer!

The work of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Let’s keep moving forward.