We are to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ in this world. Are you willing to share the hope you have? Text: 1 Peter 3:15

The church is not just something you go to; it is something that you are. But we are not meant to do the Christian life alone. Text: Hebrews 10:23-25

Unforgiveness is a place where people often get stuck. Text: Matthew 18:21-35

We are not able to earn favor with God. Jesus is after a relationship with you. Text: 1 John 2:2-6

The cross has not always been seen as glorious. In fact, the cross was the most gruesome form of execution ever devised by man. And yet we hang them on our church walls and put them around our necks as necklaces. This week we ponder the cross. Text: John 19:1-16

Life's not fair, but God is good. Text: Psalm 73

Sin is the problem for all of us. We can be free from sin and shame in Jesus Christ. Text: Psalm 51

Wyman shares on the work being accomplished in France. **Audio before he starts speaking is cut of.