Christmas Services at Battle Lake Alliance Church

With Christmas just over a week away, we want to invite everyone to join us as we celebrate Jesus Christ!

Christmas Wreath

Here is our schedule for the upcoming week 

Sunday, December 18th  10 a.m.  - Children's Christmas Program and a short message titled "Untangling the Mess"   This is a part of the current sermon series "Something New For You"  Treats to follow the service. 

Saturday, December 24th 5 p.m. - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.  We will sing carols by candlight and tell the story of the birth of Jesus in a few different ways. 

Sunday, December 25th 10 a.m. - We will be here to worship Jesus together.  This service will be 1 hour, come as you are.  We will sing songs, hear special music, and celebrate Jesus together. 

Whatever your schedule looks like, we hope you are able to join us for some, or all, of these services.  Contact us for more information. 

Check the calendar for more upcoming events