And where God is known, His name is great
It was a few months back that I was sitting in my office asking the Lord to illuminate the passage I was supposed to preach on Sunday. It didn't take Him long to challenge me with a question. As I read Psalm 76:1, He challenged me with a question. The verse says, "In Judah God is known; his name is great in Israel." And it was there that the Spirit of God asked a question "Am I known here?"
To be honest, I was very quick to dismiss this question. Do I know God? Yes, I trusted in Jesus Christ as my Savior years ago. But I had to stop for a moment because while that is where that relationship begins, it is not where it ends. If I just stop there, I run the risk of getting comfortable with a mediocre Christian experience that just gives God leftovers of my life and not the very best. Knowing God is something that we continue to grow in every single day of our lives. There is a treasure chest filled with things about God that we will never see the bottom of in all of our digging. But that is not the end of it. Is He known in me? Is He know through me?
We proclaim Him so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.
Verse 1 says that in Judah, God is known. That is a powerful statement to make. Wouldn’t that be an amazing testimony if we could say that in Battle Lake, God is known? What would it take for God to be known in the town you live? I mean, really known. Just like every small town in America, there are many churches here. But really knowing God is different than just knowing about God.
And where God is known, His name is great! His name is great whether we acknowledge it or not, but when we worship Him, exalt Him, put Him as first among all others – His name is great to me and His name is great through me!
So I ask the question today: Is God known in you? Is God known in your hometown? What will it take? What part do you play?