Stop Trusting in Man
We sure can't control the weather
If you have been watching the news over the past couple of months, you will make the same conclusion I have: we are not in control. I can sit around and discuss what is going wrong in the world, but I can’t really do all that much about it. This year’s hurricane season has been active to say the least. So much so that even now in the wake of a couple devastating storms, we have even more storms out in the ocean with unknown destinations. When will it end? Out west right now fires are still raging and people are losing everything they own. We have North Korea playing games with nuclear weapons and we have terrorists continuing to cause problems all around the world. Right here in the United States we are seeing more riots taking place, with the latest one being in St. Louis. It feels like things are unraveling.
The irony of it all is that we think we are pretty self-sufficient. In fact, it is a source of pride for many of us. We think that if we get knocked down that we will simply dust off our pants and get back up again. And while resilience is a nice thing to think about, it comes up a bit short in the long run. Any attempt to fix the mess of the world on our own doesn’t have lasting impact. We can make things look better and say that there is now peace again. But we all know how long that lasts. We need God! We need to get on our knees and pray. We need to confess that we have turned from Him and need Him. We need to come to the end of our self. We need to stop worshiping everything else and start worshiping the living God!
As I read Isaiah 2 this morning, this was on my mind. In this text Isaiah warns about a time when people will realize who God is because of judgment. They will be brought low and humbled. They will suddenly realize that all the things that their hands have made won’t save them. And the warning in that is: All that we attempt to hang on to will not last. You can’t run away from God. You can’t get out from under His splendor or His majesty. Isaiah makes a powerful conclusion at the end of that chapter.
“Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?” - Isaiah 2:22
I believe that one of the most significant lessons from all that is going wrong in this world is to stop trusting in man. Place your hope in the Lord. Jesus Christ is described in scripture as “the rock” to build your life upon. We need a solid place because this world is here today and gone tomorrow.
If you need hope today, look to Jesus Christ. He will not let you down! You can have peace with God.
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