Operation Christmas Child- What's in a shoebox?

Operation Christmas Child - What’s in a shoebox?

by Lee Hemming


Imagine receiving a gift for the first time in your life and it’s from someone half way across the world whom you’ve never even met!  Wonder! Excitement! That’s what it’s like to get an Operation Christmas Child shoebox.  In case you missed the video last week, here’s another chance to see it.

What might a child find in a shoebox? Here’s an example of what I chose for a boy, age 2-4. 

Hygiene items; a bar of soap and washcloth, nail clippers, band aids, toothbrush. WOW items: Stuffed animal, T-shirt, lovey blanket (because I like to sew!). Toys: dinosaur, cd spinner, ball. School supplies: 5 pencils with cap eraser and large eraser, pencil sharpener, 4 pens, crayons, scissors, solar calculator, spiral notebook, ruler, coloring book. Other: Bowl, cup, fork, spoon.



When packing for other age groups, you can pack similar items, just choosing a WOW item that is more suited to that age. For the girl, age 10-14, I’ll send a sewing kit and fabric, doll, T-shirt, skirt (sewing again!), necklace as the WOW items, plus the other items listed above.


How does everything fit? Removing the packaging helps, plus, you can put the spine of the notebook/coloring book straight down next to the lid and let them curl over the top of the other packed items and secured with the lid.  I love having a nice full shoebox. I never want to pack air!


You might wonder why I’m sending school supplies for preschoolers. Children receive one shoebox in their life time. If they don’t have school supplies, they can’t attend school. So, I pray that these items will be saved for school or shared with an older sibling.


What not to pack? Samaritan’s Purse asks that we not pack food, liquids, medications, toothpaste, war-related or violent toys, or breakable items.


Are you as excited about shoeboxes for kids as I am? Remember, it’s not just about gifts. Every child will learn about The Greatest Journey; having a personal relationship with Jesus, our Savior. This is the priceless gift.


So grab a shoebox and be a missionary without even leaving home!


Would you like to participate? Grab a box from the fellowship hall. You can then fill it and bring it back. We will send them off in November.