Women’s Bible Study Goes Online

We may have to “shelter in place” but church ministries continue; just in a different way than originally intended.

Betty Bermel and Jackie Henning were leading Bible study groups for women on Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings here at the church, but when the Governor’s Stay at Home orders went into effect they looked to technology for a way to continue.  They will be hosting the Women’s Bible Study online as a Zoom meeting, on Monday evenings at 6:30pm.  To use Zoom, participants will need an internet connection, and a computer with a webcam and mic.  Most laptops have built-in cameras and mics.  Smartphones will work also.

Join us online for Bible study, fellowship, and prayer!

The study is based on women of the Old Testament.  Each week’s discussion is based on a different Biblical character, as revealed in Scripture.  The format allows interaction for participants to work through a short set of questions about each week’s Bible passage.  Group discussion provides an opportunity to see God at work in women’s lives – then and now.  If you’re interested but haven’t previously participated, the only reading material required is a Bible.  Each session ends with a time for prayer. 

Newcomers are always welcome.

To participate in the next lesson, please contact Jackie Henning on her cell phone at 320-491-6295.  She will email the Bible passage and a Zoom meeting invitation.  She can also explain how Zoom works if you are new to the platform.