How many people can we bless in one month?
Do something to bless someone else -- spread the love of Jesus Christ.
What might happen if we went into each day asking God to use us to bless someone today? What if for a whole month we were open to blessing someone each day, even if that meant being slightly inconvenienced? That is what the November of blessing is all about. We want to position ourselves to notice and respond to the needs of those around us. It might be a handshake, a glass of water, a greeting, a prayer, or a few dollars to buy lunch for someone. When we do this, we become a part of the work of the Lord to reach our community with His love. I believe this is what Jesus would want us to do. Let us step outside of our little world for a few weeks and ask God to open our eyes to the bigger world right in front of us. I think we will be surprised at what opportunities are right in front of us and at how God works through us when we are willing. In this month, we are looking for ways to show the love of Jesus to our community with no strings attached. The goal would be to have every person who calls Battle Lake Alliance Church their church family to be involved in some way.
Share your story
Let us know what happens. How did God show up? How were you able to share your faith in Jesus in word and deed? I look forward to hearing. It is time for us to build bridges with those far from Jesus because, as has been said many times, "there isn't a person you meet today that Jesus did not die for."
Looking for a church family? Join us on Sundays at 10 a.m. We are located in Battle Lake, MN.
Follow along with the current sermon series "Core Values" on our sermon page.