When it rains...
As I write this, it raining so hard I can't even see clearly out my window. We call this kind of rain "pouring" because it seems to keep coming and no matter how hard we try, we can't seem to avoid getting wet. It doesn't seem to want to stop!
We remember the rainy days
My family recently went camping at Itasca State Park for a couple days. This is a trip we do every year as a way to kick off summer. The downside to camping is that you are completely exposed to the elements. Yes, it rained most of the second night and then kept right on raining. In fact, it didn't stop raining all day. And it was a cold rain too. Camping in the rain makes for a memorable experience for sure. Naturally, it is a little disappointing, but this is how life is. There are sunny days and there are rainy days. There is no way around that.
We have all had our share of rainy days in life. We have experienced the sudden storm that seems to come out of nowhere. We have felt the rain start to fall knowing that this would not quickly end. We have felt ourselves wondering if it will ever end.
Navigating Life in the Rain
Recently I was reading in the book of 2 Chronicles about a man named Jehoshaphat. As the King of Judah, Jehoshaphat was very concerned when he heard that a vast army was coming against them. What will he do? The storm is coming and it is going to not only rain; it is going to pour!
"Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for Judah." 2 Chronicles 20:3
What did he do? He prayed. He sought the Lord. He made a decision that he was going to go to God with this because he could not solve this porblem. And not only that, but he led the people to do the same.
"All the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones, stood there before the Lord." 2 Chronicles 20:14
Are we surprised to learn that the Lord answered their prayer? In what was insurmountable odds, the Lord showed up and overcame on their behalf.
Is it raining?
You might get wet today, but that will not last.
What are you facing right now? Is it raining? Has it started to pour? Are the storm clouds coming with no end in sight? Even if the odds are stacked against you, there is hope! No matter if you are getting wet right now, the rain will stop. Of course it might not happen right now. But in all of it we must remember to seek the Lord in all of it because God does not leave us in the storms.
~ Pastor Derek
No matter where you find yourself today, you are welcome to join us Sunday mornings for worship at 10 a.m. We come from all different backgrounds, but we are united by faith in Jesus Christ.
For the current sermon series on Hebrews, check out our Sermon page.